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The Reis Research Lab

The Reis Research Lab is focussed on translational research of solid cancers, especially of the urinary tract, including urachal cancer. We put emphasis on molecular methods to gain further insights from a pathologists perspective. 



The Reis research lab is dedicated to advancing the understanding of solid cancers, with a specific focus on urinary tract cancers, including urachal cancer. Our team employs different histopathological, molecular, and ai-based methods to gain deeper insights from a pathologist's perspective. As successful and meaningful research can only happen when different points of view are included, the Reis Lab in its self-understanding involves different medical and research specialties in the process; from urologists, medical oncologists, radiologists/nuclear medicine, basic researchers, to others. We are committed to making significant contributions to the field of translational research and are in close collaboration with urologists, medical oncologists, other clinicians, and basic scientists locally, nationally and around the world.


Please visit our urachal cancer network site.

Frankfurt Osthafen

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Current Publications


Beyond driver mutations: exploring the landscape of mutational signatures in adenocarcinomas of the bladder

J Pathol. 2024 Jun 7. doi: 10.1002/path.6300

Our current standpoint on mutational signatures in primary adenocarcinomas of the bladder.

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